Q) Vemana is a great Poet, Social Reformer and Philosopher. Discuss?






As per C.P.Brown, Yogi vemana born as “Paidipala Pulla” in 1652 in Cuddapah. In his days of youth, he was he was addicted to prostitution. Later, he realised his mistakes and renounced the world and became great poet, reformer and philosopher. 


Vemana is a great poet:- 


Vemana wrote “Vemana” Shatakam. In his poetry, he used “Aataveladhi” Chandhassu of telugu. His style of poetry, we can observe a mixture of satire, lucidity and poignancy.  Knowledge in his poetry pointed sharply towards the Social, Political and Religious evils. 



His political views:- 


17th century in renadu was the age of chaos. There was no central authority and stable government. Polygars used to oppress the people for taxes. Even Tavernier, a French traveller mentioned that Nawab of Gandikota gave heinous punishments to common people.                                                  


In his poetry, he appealed the masses about the weakness of the ruling community and tried to increase political consciousness among the masses. 

At Village level:-

To create the smooth and prosper administration, Vemana appealed all the officers of village to sort out their differences and work for the welfare of whole. 


For example:- 


కాపు లేని ఊరు కరణానికి కీడుకరణం పగ చేత కాపు కి కీడు ; కాపు కరణములుకావడికుండలువిశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమ!

His Social Views:-


He tried to increase moral conscience among the people. He tried to foster the Peace & Harmony within the family and society at large. He desisted the poverty and appealed the rich to take care of the poor in the times of need. 


Ignorance:- He tried to educate the masses, who were befooled by their greed. In the society of 17th century, there were practises of Conjuring. Many jugglers practised Parusavedi Vidhya, as per which, There was a belief that 
when Salt and tamarind are mixed in the Tin Foil and heated them along with other metals, Gold would be made after some time. 

Due to Parusa Vidhya many people lost their properties and became paupers. Vemana appealed the masses not to be fooled by jugglers.

Religious reforms:-


Vemana opposed idolatry, Life after death, elaborate rituals and he even blamed VEDAs for creating differences among the masses in the name of Varnas and Castes. 


In this way, vemana tried to eradicate the social, political and Religious ignorance through his Telegu poems. That’s why, he is a great poet, For Going against caste, vedas, idolatry and others in 17th century, he is a social reformer, He was unique philosopher in the times of Bhakti period. When the entire india from north to south was draped with bhakti & Sufi movements, Vemana appealed the masses to respect all humans and promoted egalitarianism. His central teachings lies on HUMANISM. That's why he is a philosopher.

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