Values. Are they Universal or particularistic? Are they Subjective or Cultural specific? Are they Objective or Context specific?

 Q) “Some people think values are universal and eternal in nature, whereas few other think values are cultural and context specific and they change w.r.t. time, place and circumstances.” Give your perception in this regard with due justification. (main, 2013)

Value is something, to which we give importance. These are abstract things or preference that people wish to uphold.

Values are universal:-

Love, compassion, Peace, tolerance, taking care of elders and some other are universal in nature. the humanity exists, survives and continues with these values.  Whether it is India or usa, whether it is Islam or christianity, whether it is Google or IAS, all are abiding by these values with some degree. 

Value are cultural specific:- 

Some values are culture specific. For examples, Eating Non-vegetarianism is value among the westerners and some non-vegetairian people in India too but in some traditional communities of India, vegetarianism is norm and valued the most. Such difference arises on the basis of culture of individual.

Values changes with time and space:-

If we look at the Indian history, it is prohibited to cross the sea by an individual in his life time. but right now, there is no such prohibitions. because of changes in the perspective. 

Earlier, no lower caste people are allowed into the temples but now, all sections of the people are allowed. 

A traditional woman, who is wearing saree at home and functions, wears pant and shirt to suit the work culture of IPS. that means values are determined by space too. 

Value changes with Circumstance:-

In all laws, killing is prohibited but in recent judgement Supreme court allowed the passive Euthanasia to save the dignity of individual.


Thats why, we can say value can be universal as well as particularistic and subjective as well as cultural specific and eternal and time specific too. Thats why, i can say, values cannot be judged on basis of categories of inconsistent. Values are complex whole, which consists of all possible preferences of humanity.

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