Q&A on Vedic Times

Aryan Migration:- 

The term aryan refers to an ethnic race, who speak Indo-European Languages. Many scholars propounded different theories regarding the origin, The most widely accepted one is Max Muller’s proposition, which is supported by the Archeological and Linguistic evidences. For examples, Max Muller identified the migration of aryans with the series of inscriptions such as Hittie Inscription in Anatolia, Mycenaean Inscription from Greece, Kassites and Mittani Inscriptions from Mesopotamia. Apart from that, Literary sources of early Aryans such as Rigveda mentioned Many rivers, geographical features of west asia. For example, Nadistuti Shukta hymn of rigveda mentioned nearly 21 rivers from sindh, Bactria and surrounding regions. It also mentioned rivers like Kramu(Khurram) and Kabhu(Kabul), which are in afghanistan. 

Apart from this, Rigveda mentioned about the Lions but not about the Tigers or Rhinoceros, which are available deep in sub-continent. 

Due to these evidences, Max Muller concluded that, Indo-Aryans entered in India from Khyber and Bolan Passes. 

When they entered into India, they settled in Saptha-Sindhava Area, land of 7 rivers. 

Q) Compare and contrast the salient features of early Vedic and later Vedic civilisation in political, social, economic and religious fields? — 2008 G-I


The term aryan refers to an ethnic race, who speak Indo-European Languages. Vedic civilisation is aryan centric civilisation. The word Aryan is mentioned nearly 36 times in Rigveda. Early vedic lies in between 1500 B.C- 1000B.C. Whereas later vedic lies in between 1000B.C-600B.C.

Social Sphere:- 

Early Vedic: In Early vedic, the word “Varna” first came to used to differentiate race based on colour but later, this varna is used to differentiate the people based on Profession. Ex:- Bramhan for teachings, priestly work, Kshatriya for administration, Vaishyas for trade, agriculture production, e.t.c., Shudras to serve all above classes. 

The “Varna” system is not rigid in early vedic but it became too rigid and closed and gave way to the caste, which is inherited by birth. 

In later vedic times, Brahmanas and Kshatriyas enjoyed high status position. Eventhough the concept of the “Dwija”(twice born) was given to vaisyas, they didnt enjoy as high position as the Brahmanas or Kshatriyas. Shudra became oppressed and they are not entitled to either Dwija or recitation of Vedas. 

Inorder to protect the Purity of family/kula, the concept, “GOTRA” is introduced during later Vedic period and encouraged Endogamy within one’s caste and Anuloma and Pratiloma marriages are restricted. 

Women: They enjoyed the higher position in early Vedic period. They allowed to enter in SAMITIs. Women Scholars such as Gargi challenged one of the renowned scholars like yagnavalkhya.

But, their position is degenerated gradually and they are not allowed to recite the vedas. Many social evils like, child marriage, Sati and many others came into existence in this period. 


In early vedic times, Rigveda believed that this world is result of great sacrifice called “Hiranyagarbha”. This world consists of Celestial Sphere, Aerial Sphere and Terrestrial Sphere. The god of Terrestrial Sphere is known as the Indra, for whom, 250 hymns are dedicated in Rigveda, The God of Aerial sphere is Varun, for whom nearly 200 Hymn are dedicated. God of Terrestrial sphere is knowns as the Agni. 

There are female gods like Saraswati and the god of Cosmic Energy is known as the “Savitri”, on whom Gayatri Mantra was composed by Vishwamitra. 

Early rigvedic religion is marked by the Prayers but not by elaborate rituals or ceremonies. These prayers for material gains but not for the Salvation or God. 

In Later vedic times, the Vedic Gods like Indra, Varun and Agni are replaced by “Trimurthi”, Bramha, Vishnu and Maheswara. 

Elaborate rituals and ceremonies are practiced. Ex:- Aswamedha Ritual, Rajasuya, Vajapeya sacrifices were practiced with great opulence. 

The Only female god of early Vedic times, Saraswati lost the relevance.

The democratic spirit of rigvedic times was replaced by monopolistic tendencies. The priestly clan particularly “Bramhin” dominated the religion. 


In both times, the society is based on Patriarchal. In Early vedic times, there were sabha, samiti, Vidatha and other assemblies to decide on key issues.  But, in Later vedic times, these assemblies lost their relevance. 

Kula/ Family —> Kulapati/ Head of the family

Grama —> Gramani

Vis—> Visyapati

Jana —> Rajan, These are the ways in which polity existed in vedic times. 

The Rajan, who is head of the jana, has little powers and is controlled by powerful sabha and samiti in early vedic times. He strived to seek the attention of sabha and samiti.

There was no standing army. Incase of calamity, Rajan accumulate People of grama in the form of militia.

There are no tax collectors and tax was not compulsory. Voluntary Contributions, Bhaga were made. 

Whereas in Later Vedic times, the position of Rajan become too powerful. Sabha and Samiti almost lost their relevance. He has standing armies headed by Senani, well established bureaucracy and tax collectors(Bhagadhuga). 


Economy of early vedic times was mainly pastoral economy. Eventhough, people of this times knows the rice(vrihi), Wheat(Godhuma), Barley, ryi, peas, e.t.c., they dependant heavily on cattle. There was little significance to Territory or sovereignty, e.t.c., 

Their production from agriculture is so little that would serve only their grama. 

In later vedic times, Due to advent of Krishna Ayan(Krishna, Black + Ayan, Metal), Iron, People cleared the forests around the Ganga-Yamuna Doab and started leading settled life with agriculture as main stay. 

With increased production of agriculture, Janas became janapadas. By 6th century B.C, these Janapadas became 16 Maha Janapadas with huge standing armies, high trading activities. 

With increased trading activities, association of traders, Srenis are formed. Punch marked coins came into existence at the end of the later vedic times. This shows the increased economic activity. 

In this way, Later vedic and early vedic are so different in terms of polity, social, religious and economic spheres. By the end of later vedic times, powerful janapadas were established with high advancements in political, technological and economic spheres.

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