Comparison between IVC and Vedic Civilisations

Q) Bring out the salient features of the Indus and Vedic Civilizations in a comparative perspective?     — 2011 G-I

A) The comparison between IVC(Indus Valley Civilisation) and Vedic Civilisation is anachronic in nature as they happed in different set of time periods. The mature IVC happened in between B.C 2,500-1,900 and the Early vedic civilisation happened in 1,500-1,000B.C and Later vedic civilisation happened in B.C 1,000-600.  

Social Sphere:-

Social Hierarchy:- During the IVC there are no question of Varna or caste, which are emerged in vedic times. IVC believed to have social hierarchy between different classes such as Ruling class, Bureaucratic ones and Normal Citizens. 

Language:- Unique Language of the IVC is yet deciphered as it is the pictographic language. But, Vedic civilisation developed Sanskrit language, which is a subset of indo-european languages. 

Religion:- Religion of IVC is based on belief system rather than ritual based. They worshipped Pashupati, Mother Goddess and based on evidence from seals, Scholars believes that they were also worshipping the Nature. 

Whereas the religion of vedic civilisation is based on Rigveda, according to which this world is result of great sacrifice, “Hiranyagarbha”. The world contains three spheres, Celestial, Aerial and Terrestrial Spheres.  The god of Celestial sphere is Indra, for whom rigveda contains 250 hymns, Varun, God of Aerial Sphere, on whom, there are 200 hymns in rigveda. God of terrestrial sphere is Agni. The women goddess of early vedic was Saraswati. But, these gods are replaced by Bramha, Vishnu and maheswara by the late vedic. Goddess Saraswati lost her relevance in this age. 

Women:- IVC is matriarchal in Nature whereas the vedic is patriarchal in Nature. Eventhough, women are given qual status at early vedic times, their position is degraded and are not allowed to samiti and many evil practices such as Sati, Child Marriages cropped up against the Women. 

Polity:- IVC is ruled by ruling class assisted by priests or bureaucracy. But, Early vedic civilisation is based on Tribal State. The state is called Jana headed by Rajan, under whom, there is visyapati, heading the vs, which is a group of Grama, which is headed by Gramani. In the Grama, there are Kulas, which is headed by Kulapati. 

Sabha, Samiti, Vidatha and other assemblies were so important and they wielded significant power over the Rajan.

Tax was voluntary contribution, which is known as the Bhaga. 

Whereas in Later vedic times, Position of Rajan became divine. The sabha and samiti lost heir significance. Rajan had huge standing army headed by Senani. Rajan assisted by bureaucracy and Mantris and levy compulsory taxation, which is collected by Bhagadhuga.  

Economy:- IVC’s economy is based on barter system. As they are world’s first cotton producers, they exported textiles to other countries and imported, Lapis Lazuli from Mongolia, Perfumes form Greece, Gold and silver from Mesopotamia and Pearl from Southern India. 

Whereas the economy of Early Vedics was pastoral. Even though they have knowledge of Vrihi(rice), Godhuma(wheat), Barley, e.t.c., they produced very little.

But by late vedic times, Krishan Ayan, Iron came into existence. It revolutionised agriculture in Ganga-Yamuna Doab. High Production made the Janas(Congregation of people) into Janapadas(significance given to Territory), which later transformed into 16 Mahajanapadas. 

Due to high production, Traders formed associations called Srenis. By end of late vedic civilisation, Punch marked coins also came into existence. 

Pottery:- At the times of IVC, Black and Red and Black pottery was in use. Whereas in Vedic times, Painted Grey Ware (PGW) came into existence.

In this way, Vedic civilisation is so different from IVC in social, political and economic spheres. The difference is so contrast especially with respect to Buildings, Town Planning of IVC, which is an unparalleled advancement.

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