APPSC Essay Previous Paper Questions as Per Syllabus

The candidates are required to attempt three essays, one from each of the three sections, in about 800 words each.

This paper is designed to test candidate's:

(i) knowledge / awareness of a variety of Subjects and 

(ii) their ability to compose a sustained piece of writing in the form of an essay.  

Areas of Testing:

This paper would test the following:

  1. Ability to compose a well-argued piece of writing

  2. Ability to express coherently and sequentially

  3. Awareness of the subject chosen

Evaluation / Marking:

Credit will be given for the following:

  1. Observing established rules and format for essay writing

  2. Grammatical correctness of expression

  3. Originality of thought and expression.

Notified as Read as:

Paper-I, General Essay Contents: 

(i) Current Affairs

(ii) Socio - Political issues

(iii) Socio - Economic issues (iv)Socio - Environmental issues

(v) Cultural and Historical aspects (vi) Issues related to civic awareness (vii) Reflective topics 

Paper-I, General Essay Section-I: 

(i) Current Affairs 


Section-II: (ii) Socio - Political issues (iii) Socio - Economic issues 

(iv) Socio - Environmental issues 


Section-III: (v) Cultural and Historical aspects. (vi) Issues related to civic awareness 

(vii) Reflective topics 


1.   The Draft Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification of 2020: An Analysis (2020)

2.   How to Maintain a Proper Balance Between Developmental Activities and Water Conservation? (2020)

3.   In Stephen Hawking’s words, “Mankind must move to outer space within a century”. In the backdrop of his prediction, what are the factors leading to pessimism in turning around the global environmental degradation ? Discuss. (2017)

4.   With constant rise in global temperatures, greenhouse gases and global sea levels, it is disastrous that climate change talks at Copenhagen between major nations have failed to come to a consensus. Explain why our leaders have failed to come to a mutual understanding for combating climate change. (2011)


Foreign Policy: 

1.   Chinese Aggression and India: A Strategic Response (2020)

2.   There is a marked shift in India’s foreign policy initiatives under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Discuss the important changes and developments. (2017)

3.   Explain "BREXIT"? Discuss its likely impact on governance, politics and economy of European Union? (2016)

4.   "The London riots of last year (August, 2011) exposed a widespread disillusionment with the establishment." - Explain the statement in the light of the growing economic crisis in Europe. (2012)

5.   With Portugal, Greece, Italy and Spain staring at a bleak future, the world economic situation can be considered to be in a dire state. With developing economies being highly dependent on their developed counterparts for investments, there will be an effect on stock markets, employment and balance of payments. State your reasons whether or not the developing world will be affected. (2011)

6.   The relations of India with the ASEAN countries is part of the "Look East Policy'. Does the same hold good with the Indo-EU relations? Do they follow "Look West Policy'? Elucidate. (2011)

7.   Explain the history, governance and politics of the European Union. (2008)

8.   Discuss the importance of Indo-US nuclear agreement. Analyse the causes for its opposition, and state whether Hyde Act curtails India's independence in foreign policy.(2008)


Medical & Health: 

1.   Measures to Combat Outbreak of Covid 19: The Role of the Government and the Individual (2020) 

2.   India is called the “surrogacy hub” of the World. Can commercial surrogacy be seen just as another industry ? Evaluate in light of the bill regulating surrogacy pending before the Parliament. (2017)


1.   “Most of India’s college graduates are unemployable,” said ex-President Pranab Mukherjee, during his tenure. The crisis in higher education needs to be addressed through policy measures. Comment. (2017)

2.   Primary education is the foundation for empowerment of Children. Discuss the impact on the democratic rights of the children and discrimination between rich and poor children, in light of heavy commercialization of primary education? (2016)

3.   Explain the inclusive higher education and the role of Fee Reimbursement Scheme in Andhra Pradesh.(2012)

4.   Reality shows have become a major part of the prime time television. They are influencing mindset of numerous households making them believe and live in a hypothetical world. State the effect of reality shows on our society. (2011)

5.   Discuss the initiatives of the Andhra Pradesh Government with regard to Rastriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA),a centrally sponsored literacy programme, outlining its objectives, functions and impact. (2011)


Disaster Management: 

1.   What is 'Drought' ?What are the implications of drought ?Discuss the various steps taken by the government in this regard. How do you tackle the problem fi there is drought continuously for three years? (2008)

Science and Tech: 

1.   Write an essay on the recent achievement of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) which has launched 10 satellites by PSLV-C9. (2008)

Women and Child:

1.   Should there be Reservation for Women in Politics? (2020)

Socio-Economic Development:

1.   Does the Rise or Fall of the Economic Growth Rate Really Make a Difference to the Poorest of the Poor?  (2020)

2.   There is a global resurgence of nationalism or right wing. Discuss its implications for democracy and the neo-liberal economic policies?  (2017)

3.   "Despite huge gains in economic output, our current social, political and economic systems are exacerbating inequalities, rather than reducing them". In view of the above statement, discuss the importance of inclusive growth? (2016)

4.   "River linking is a panacea for the woes of farmers of Andhra Pradesh". In light of the above statement, explain how river linking can solve the problem of water scarcity in Andhra Pradesh. Also describe Patti Seema project of Andhra Pradesh and its benefits?(2016)

5.   Examine the role of self-help groups (SHGs) and micro finance institutions (MFIs) in meeting the credit requirements of rural people in Andhra Pradesh?(2016)

6.   Write an essay on the crisis in agriculture and farmers suicides in India. (2012)

7.   The concept of development is pushed down from the top by the MNCs bypassing nations states. This misplaced conception of development is not totally favoured by the sates and the people in the developing world for socio-economic and political reasons. Is there a way to integrate or combine the two different conceptions of development of the free market and the individual state? (2011)

8.   There are a variety of public-private partnerships models on which the government relies upon. Explain various models with illustrations. Comment on the PPP model in Rajiv Gandhi International Airport at Hyderabad. (2011)

9.   Write an essay on the Economic Crisis, Structural Reforms and the Prospects of Growth in India.(2008)

10.  Discuss the pros and cons of Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in Andhra Pradesh. (2008)

11.  Write an essay on the implementation and operation of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme in Andhra Pradesh.(2008)


Socio-Political Issues:

1.   The Constitution of India provides protection to life and liberty of a citizen. At the same time, growing events of terrorism, naxalism and mob violence, underscore the need for stringent laws for control. Discuss the measures to be taken for striking a balance between both. (2017)

2.   What is the present situation of Dalits in India? Despite numerous developmental schemes and stringent laws for protection, why there is no substantial progress at the ground level? (2016)

3.   "Sedition laws have no place in a democracy" - Comment on the above sentence, in the context of the recent conflicts in our country? (2016)

4.   "The civil society has to play an active role, when institutions of democracy have not served the people of India as well as they were expected to." - Discuss the statement in the context of the struggle for Jan Lokpal Bill. (2012)

5.   Write an essay on decentralised democracy and empowerment of weaker sections, in the light of recent developments in Panchayati Raj system in Andhra Pradesh.(2012)

6.   Assess the power of courts to intervene in executive policy in the context of judicial activism of recent days. (2012)

7.   Assess the power of courts to intervene in executive policy in the context of judicial activism of recent days. (2012)

8.   Democratic decentralization or Panchayati Raj aims at making democracy real by bringing the millions into the functioning of their representative government at the lowest level. However, parallel bodies at various levels diluted its aims and functions. Discuss with illustrations from Andhra Pradesh. (2011)

9.   Analyse reasons for the decreasing proportion of female population in India and suggest solutions to contain this trend.(2008)

10.        Discuss the working of Pachayati Raj in Andhra Pradesh with a focus on devolution of powers to local bodies. (2008)


1.   Discuss the progress in recent Indian efforts in evolving joint counter terrorism strategy with different allies? What is the implication of current violence in Kashmir Valley on these efforts? (2016)

2.   How do you assess the global terrorism and intervention of US in the internal affairs of Afghanistan and Pakistan ? (2012)


Issues related to Civic Sense

1.   The Role of the Youth in Preserving India’s Cultural Heritage (2020)

2.   Civic Sense and Public Spaces: An Urgent Need to Behave Responsibly (2020)



1.     My First Public Speaking Experience (2020)


A.P. Centric:

1.   After reorganisation, the State of Andhra Pradesh is without a separate capital. The Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh envisages a world class city. While analysing the progress so far in realising the goal, evaluate Amaravathi as a “city for all”. (2017)

2.   2017 has been declared as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for development. In this context, discuss the initiatives taken by the Government of Andhra Pradesh for promotion of tourism. What additional steps may be taken to sustain tourism as an industry ? (2017)

3.   Regional disparity is one of the key factors for demand of bifurcation of States in India. In light of this, how can balanced regional development be ensured in the State of Andhra Pradesh ? (2017)

4.   "Government of India announced special package but did not grant special status to Andhra Pradesh". Explain whether special status would have any advantage over the present special package?(2016)

5.   Examine the causes and consequences of the emerging sub-regionalism and demand for smaller states in India.(2012)

6.   Evaluate the health programmes in Andhra Pradesh with a focus on the working of 'Rajiv Arogya Sree' Scheme. (2012)











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