Syllabus of P-II as per Previous Paper Questions

                                                          (DEGREE STANDARD)
Marks — 150                                     Medium: English / Telugu                        Time- 150 Minutes 

A .History and Culture of India: 

1. Pre-Historic Cultures in India- Indus Valley Civilization- Vedic Culture- Mahajanapadas Emergence of New Religions-Jainism, Buddhism- Rise of the Magadha and Age of the Mauryas- Ashoka Dharma- Foreign Invasions on India- The Kushans. The Satavahanas, the Sangam Age in South India- the Sungas- the Guptas- the Kanauj and their Contributions- Historical Accounts of Foreign travelers- Early Educational Institutions. 

List of Previous Questions:-

Q) Compare and contrast the salient features of early Vedic and later Vedic civilisation in political, social, economic and religious fields? — 2008 G-I

Q) Analyse the factors for the growth of Magadhan imperialism? — 2008 G-I

Q) Bring out the salient features of the Indus and Vedic Civilizations in a comparative perspective?     — 2011 G-I

Q) Examine the factors responsible for the rise and growth of Jainism and Buddhism?  — 2011 G-I

Q) Give a detailed account of harappan’s town planning and evaluate the various reasons for its decline?   — 2012 G-I

Q) Describe the similarities and difference of buddhism and Ashoka’s Dhamma. Discuss the impact of both on ancient indian society? — 2012 G-I

Q)  Compare Hinayana and Mahayana Buddhism. Why did Buddhism become popular and decline subsequently?

Q) What are the important features of major schools of art that flourished during post Mauryan period?

Q) explain in what aspects the harappan civilisation differed from the later Vedic civilisation?
— 2017 G-I

Q) What do you know about the sangam age? How does sangam age literature helps us in knowing the political and cultural life of that age?   — 2017 G-I

Q) Discuss the salient features of the Indus Valley Civilisation (IVC)? 

Q) Discuss about the contributions of Jainism and Buddhism in India?

Q) Discuss the basic tenets of Buddhism and Jainism?

Q) Examine the factors responsible for the rise and growth of Jainism and Buddhism?  — 2011 G-I

Q) Bring out the salient features of the Indus and Vedic Civilizations in a comparative perspective?     — 2011 G-I

Q) Compare and contrast the salient features of early Vedic and later Vedic civilisation in political, social, economic and religious fields? — 2008 G-I

2. The Pallavas, the Badami Chalukyas, the Eastern Chalukyas, the Rashtrakutas, the Kalyani Chalukyas and the Cholas- Socio Cultural Contributions, Language, Literature Art and Architecture- Delhi Sultanates- Advent of Islam and its Impact- Religious Movements like Bhakti and Sufi and Its Influence. 

Growth of Vernacular Languages, Scripts, Literature, Fine Arts- Socio Cultural Conditions of the Kakatiyas, the Vijayanagaras, the Bahmanis, the Qutubsahis and their contemporary South Indian kingdoms.

List of Previous Questions:-

Q) Bring out the nature and significance of Bhakti Movement in medieval India? —2008 G-I

Q) Discuss socio-Economic conditions under Vijayanagar Rulers? —2008 G-I

Q) Discuss the impact of Islam on Indian culture, with special reference to the Bhakti
movements.  — 2011 G-I

Q) What are the medieval Indian Temple Construction styles? Discuss with suitable examples?  — 2012 G-I

Q) What is the cultural contribution of Vijayanagar empire?  — 2016 G-I

Q) Analyse the cultural contribution of cholas and explain their contribution for the cultural expansion in south east asia? — 2017 G-I

Q) Explain sufism and discuss its main principles, important orders and their influence on the indian society?  — 2017 G-I

Q) Draw an outline of society under the Eastern Chalukyas? - 2020, G-I

Q) Vividly examine the impact of Bhakti Movement during medieval India ? - 2020, G-I

3. The Mughals Administration, Socio-Religious life and Cultural developments- Shivaji and Rise of Maratha Empire- Advent of Europeans in India. Trade practices- Rise of East India Company its Hegemony- Changes in Administration, Social and Cultural spheres- Role of Christian Missionaries. 

List of Previous Questions:-

Q) Assess the contribution of Mughals to Indian Art and Architecture with examples?   — 2011 G-I

Q) Describe major contribution of great mughals to indian architecture?

Q)  Examine the factors behind the rise of Shivaji. Do you feel that he was a nationalist leader? Support?   — 2012 G-I

Q) State the reasons for the rise of Chhatrapati shivaji and also describe the administrative, military and land revenue systems of his empire?  — 2017 G-I

4. Rise of British rule in India from 1757 to 1856- Land Revenue Settlement, Permanent Settlement, Ryothvari and Mahalvari-1857 Revolt and its Impact-Education, Press, Cultural changes- Rise of National Consciousness and Changes- Socio-Religious Reform Movements in 19th century- Rajaram Mohan Roy, Dayananda Saraswathi, Swamy Vivekananda, Annie Besant, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan and others. 

Rise of Indian Nationalism- Activities of Indian National Congress- Vandemataram, Home Rule Movements- Self Respect Movement- Jyothiba Phule, Narayana Guru, Periyar Ramaswamy Naicker- Role of Mahatma Gandhi, Subhash Chandra Bose, Vallabai Patel- Satyagraha- Quit India Movement- Dr B.R. Ambedkar and his Contributions. 

List of Previous Questions:-

Q) Critically examine british colonial rule on the Indian Economy?   — 2008 G-I

Q) Critically examine the Economic, Political and Administrative reforms introduced by the
British in Modern India?      — 2011 G-I

Q) Describe the rise and growth of scio-religious reforms movements in modern India with special reference to Raja Ram Mohan Ray, Jyotiba Phule and Narayana Guru? — 2011 G-I

Q) Explain the main feature of the religious and social reform movements and evaluate their role in making of modern india?  — 2012 G-I

Q) How far have the oppressed caste movement and their leaders helped the downtrodden people for their upliftment? — 2012 G-I

Q) Describe the nature and significance of revolt of 1857? Explain wether it can be termed as “ First War of Independence”?

Q) Describe the impact of revolt of 1857 on british rule in India. What were the major changes in british policies and rule after the revolt?   — 2017 G-I

Q) Describe the impact of teachings of Swami Vivekananda in arousing nationalistic feelings and spirit of service in Indians?   — 2017 G-I

Q) Describe the contribution of Narayan Guru in social awakening and the results of his teachings on society?  — 2017 G-I

5. Indian Nationalism in three phases- Freedom Struggle 1885-1905, 1905-1920 and Gandhi Phase 1920-1947- Peasant, Women, Tribal and Workers Movements- Role of Different parties in Freedom Struggle- Local and Regional Movements- Inter Religious Unity and Communalism. Independence and Partition of India- India after Independence- Rehabilitation after partition- Linguistic Re-organization of States- Integration of the Indian States- Indian Constitution- Economic policies- Foreign Policy Initiatives. 

List of Previous Questions:-

Q) Examine the objectives, methods and impact of the moderates vis-a-vis the extremists during the course of indian freedom struggle from 1885 to 1920?     — 2008 G-I

Q) What was the contribution of socio-religious reform movements of the 19th century for the upliftment of women in Modern India?                            — 2008 G-I

Q) Trace the important Peasant movements in modern india and their characteristic features?   — 2008 G-I

Q) Examine the salient features of Indian Foreign Policy during the post-independence period upto 1989?       — 2008 G-I

Q) Trace the evolution of Indian Nationalism with reference to the three phases of the Freedom Struggle between the years 1885 - 1947?        — 2011 G-I

Q) Compare and contrast the views of Mahatma Gandhi and Ambedkar with regard to the abolition of untouchability and Harijan upliftment?   — 2011 G-I

Q) Account for the rise and growth of peasant and working class movements and their contribution in anti-feudal andante-colonial struggles?   — 2011 G-I

Q) Trace the course of events leading to the Partition of India in 1947? — 2011 G-I

Q) Discuss various stage of British Colonialism and its impact on Indian Society?   — 2012 G-I

Q) What was the impact of first and second world wars on the Indian national movement? Explain? — 2012 G-I

Q) Estimate the role of women in the national movement. Do you consider that their participation was an indication for the women empowerment in those days?  — 2012 G-I

Q) What was the role of socialists and the influence of socialistic ideas on the pre and post independence india?  — 2012 G-I

Q) “ the period between 1885-1905 is the period of moderate in Indian freedom struggle” In light of the above statement, describe the contribution of early nationalists(moderates) in organisation the national movement?   — 2012 G-I

Q) Comment on the effectiveness of methods employed by M.K.Gandhi to Mobilise masses? — 2012 G-I

Q) “ We must hold fast to constitutional methods for achieving our social and economical objective”. Briefly explain the significance of this statement of Dr B.R. Ambedkar with reference to his achievements. Also explain its relevance in the present to protect democracy?  — 2012 G-I

Q) Comment on the contribution of peasant movements in freedom struggle?  — 2012 G-I

Q) Analyse the role of communalism in the partition of the country?  — 2012 G-I

Q) Describe the contribution of revolutionary nationalists to the freedom movement and their impact on british rule?  — 2017 G-I

“ Gandhi was a politician among saints and a saint among politicians. “ Discuss?  — 2017 G-I

B .History and Culture of Andhra Pradesh: 

6. Ancient: The Satavahanas, the Ikshvakus, the Salankayanas, the Pallavas and the Vishnukundins- -Social and Economic Conditions- Religion, Language (Telugu), Literature, Art and Architecture- Jainism and Buddhism in Andhra. The Eastern Chalukyas, the Rashtrakutas, the Renati Cholas and others- Socio-Cultural life, Religion- Telugu Script and Language, Literature, Art and Architecture. 

List of Previous Questions:-

Q) Discuss the socio-Religious conditions and development of telugu language and literature during the sathavahana period?        — 2008 G-I

Q) Explain the contributions of eastern chalukyas of vengi in the fields of education, culture and telugu language and literature? — 2008 G-I

Q) Discuss the socio-economic and religious conditions during the period of Satavahanas in Ancient Andhra Desha?  — 2011 G-I

Q) Write an essay on the growth of Buddhism in Ancient Andhra Desha and the salient features of Buddhist Art and Architecture with examples?  — 2011 G-I

Q) Explain the social structure during sathavahana period and also discuss the contribution of satavahanas to the society?   — 2012 G-I

Q) Give an account of the socio-Cultural and religious conditions of the people after the downfall of satavahana dynasty? — 2012 G-I

Q) Briefly describe political fortunes and cultural contributions of Ikshavkus?  — 2012 G-I

Q) Describe the contribution of eastern chalukyas to literature, art and architecture? 2016 G-I

Q) Trace the origin and expansion of satavahana power and describe their contribution to religion and literature?  — 2017 G-I

Q) Explain the political significance of vengi chalukyas and describe their role in moulding the culture of Andhras?  — 2017 G-I

Q) Discuss the cultural contributions of Satavahanas?

Q) Discuss salient features of the Agrarian system under the Satavahanas? -- 2020, G-I

Q) Write a note on art and architecture under the Pallavas? - 2020, G-I

7. Medieval: Socio- Cultural and Religious Conditions in Andhradesa 1000 to 1565 A.D.-Antiquity, Origin and Growth Telugu Language and Literature (Kavitraya- Asthadiggajas)- Fine Arts, Art& Architecture during the reign of Kakatiyas, Reddis, Gajapatis and Vijayanagaras and their feudatories. Historical Monuments-Significance, Contribution of Qutubshahis to Andhra History and Culture-Regional Literature- Praja Kavi -Vemana and others. 

List of Previous Questions:-

Q) Give and account of the socio-religious and cultural conditions in Andhra DEsha during the years 1000-1565 A.D?  —2008 G-I

Q) Estimate the contribution of poet nannaya for the development of telugu language and literature?      — 2008 G-I

Q) Discuss the socio-economic conditions in Medieval Andhra Desha with special reference to the Kakatiyas?  — 2011 G-I

Q) Evaluate the contribution of Qutub Shahis to the Telugu language and literature?  — 2011 G-I

Q) Describe the kakatiya style of architecture and discuss how the agriculture and irrigation system was developed during that period?   — 2012 G-I

Q) Evaluate the development of telugu language and literature between A.D 1000 and A.D. 1565 with special reference to women poets?    — 2012 G-I

Q) Comment on the contribution of Qutubshahis to telugu language and Literature?  — 2016 G-I

Q) Write about poet Molla, her work and style? — 2016 G-I

Q) Critically analyse the growth of telugu langauge and literature between 1000 A.D and 1500 A.D?  — 2017 G-I

Q) Describe characteristic features of Vijayanagara Architecture? — 2017 G-I

8. Modern: European Trade Establishments in Andhra- Andhra Under the Company Rule- Role of Christian Missionaries- Socio-Cultural, Literary Awakening- C.P. Brown, Thomas Munro, Mackenzie-Zamindary, Polegary System- Native States and Little Kings. Role of Social Reformers- Gurajada Apparao, Kandukuri Veeresalingam, Raghupati Venkataratnam Naidu, Gidugu Ramamurthy, Annie Besant and others- Library Movement in Andhra Pradesh- Role of News Paper- Folk and Tribal Culture, Oral Traditions, Subaltern Culture, Role of women. 

List of Previous Questions:-

Q) What are the factors the led to the rise and growth of socio-cultural awakening in Andhra during the 20th century?  —2008 G-I

Q) Briefly explain what are circumstances that led to the establishment of Ashafjahi dynasty and the role played by Nizam-Ul-Mulk?    —2008 G-I

Q) Critically examine the role of Socialists and Communists in the Freedom movement in Andhra Desha between the years 1935 - 1947?    — 2011 G-I

Q)  Write an essay on the life of rural people and agrarian conditions under Asaf Jahi’s Rule?   — 2012 G-I

Q) Explain the reasons for the socio-cultural awakening and dalit movements in Telangana? — 2012 G-I

Q) State the influence of Bramha Samaj Movement on social reformers of Andhra and highlight how that ideology is reflected in their writings?  — 2017 G-I

Q) Asses the role of western education and constribution of christian missioneries in the socio-cultural awakening of Andhra?

9. Nationalist Movement: Role of Andhra leaders- Justice Party, Non-Brahmin MovementNationalist and Revolutionary Literature- Gurram Jashva, Boyi Bheemanna, Sri Sri, Garimella Satyanarayana, Rayaprolu Subbarao, Unnava Lakshminarayana, Tripuraneni Ramaswamy Choudhary and others, Andhra Mahasabhas, Andhra Movement- prominent leaders- Alluri Sitaramraju, Duggirala Gopalakrishnaiah, Konda Venkatappayya,Pattabhi Seetaramaiah, Ponaka Kanakamma, Dokka Sitamma- Grandhlaya Movement- Ayyanka Venkataratnam, Gadicherla Harisarvothamarao, Kasinanathuni Nagesvara Rao- Potti Sreeramulu Formation of Andhra State,1953- Emergence of Andhra Pradesh,1956- Andhra Pradesh 1956 to2014- Causes for Bifurcation, 2nd June 2014 Impact. 

List of Previous Questions:-

Q) Describe the causes and results of the vandemataram movement in Andhra?  —2008 G-I

Q)  Estimate the significance of library movement in Telangana? — 2008 G-I

Q) Critically examine the role played by Ittehadul muslimeen, during the rule of VII Nizam of Hyderabad? — 2008 G-I

Q) Assess the circumstance that led to formation of Andhra Pradesh? — 2008 G-I

Q) Critically examine the role of Hyderabad Sate Congress in the Freedom movement of the Nizam State?    — 2011 G-I

Q) Assess the role of Communists in the Telangana People Armed Struggle?  — 2011 G-I

Q) Bring out the significance of socio-cultural awakening in Telangana with reference to the role of Adi-Hindu and Andhra Mahasabha movements?  — 2011 G-I

Q) Trace the course of events leading to the formation of Andhra Pradesh?   — 2011 G-I

Q)  Trace the origin and growth of Adi-Andhra movement in Modern Andhra Desha and examine the role of Gurram Jashuva and Boyi Bheemanna in the growth of Dalit consciousness?    — 2011 G-I

Q) Discuss the role of Andhras during different phases of National Movement?  — 2012 G-I

Q) Explain the growth and development of Communist Ideology and Literary contributions of the great poet sri-sri and others in Andhra?   — 2012 G-I

Q) Comment on the contribution of literary works of Gurram Jashuva in Social Reform? 2016 G-I

Q) Illustrate the salient features of literary works of Dr. Boyi Bhimanna?  — 2016 G-I

Q) Describe the contribution of Andhra Mahasabha in socio-Cultural development?  — 2016 G-I

Q) Describe vandemataram movement and its impact on freedom struggle in Andhra Pradesh?  — 2016 G-I

Q) Critically examine the objectives and results of the movement of Tripuranenin Ramaswamy Chowdary?  — 2017 G-I

Q) Describe the reasons and state the important event that led to the formation of Andhra Pradesh in 1956?  — 2017 G-I

10. Andhra Pradesh: Bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh and its impact on Administrative, Economic, Social, Political, Cultural and Legal Implications- Loss of Capital City, Building of New Capital and its financial Implications- Division of Employees and their Native Issues- Effect of Bifurcation on Trade& Commerce, Industry – Implication of Financial Resources of State Government. Developmental Opportunities- Socio-Economic, Cultural and Demographic impact of Bifurcation- Impact on River water sharing and other link issues- Andhra Pradesh Reorganization Act.2014- the Arbitrariness of certain provisions. 

List of Previous Questions:-

Q) Analyse the fundamental base for telangana people armed struggle and the historical significance of the movement?

Q) Critically examine the situations that led to integration of Hyderabad state into Indian Union and later formation of Andhra Pradesh?  — 2012 G-I

Q) Trace the reasons for success and subsequent falire of telangana people’s armed struggle? — 2016 G-I

Q) Who are Razakars and what was their role in resisting integration of Hyderabad state in the indian union?  — 2016 G-I

Q) Evaluate the seriousness of the problems in reorganisation of ANdhra Pradesh with reference to financial position of the state of Andhra Pradesh immediately after reorganisation?  — 2017 G-I

Q) Explain the problems encountered till now in bifurcation of assets of institutions mentioned in schedule IX adn Schedule X of the Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act, 2014?

C. Geography: India and Andhra Pradesh 

11. Physical Features and Resources: India and Andhra Pradesh, Major land forms, Climatic changes, Soil types, Rivers, Water, Streams, Geology, Rocks, Mineral Resources, Metals, Clays, Construction Materials, Reservoirs, Dams —Forests, Mountains, Hills, Flora and fauna, Plateau Forests, Hill Forests, Vegetation Classification. 

12. Economic Geography : Agriculture, Live stocks, Forestry, Fishery, Quarrying, Mining, House hold Manufacturing, Industries — Agro, Mineral, Forest, Fuel and man power, Trade and Commerce, Communication, Road Transport, Storage and others. 

13. Social Geography: Population Movements and Distribution, Human Habitations, Density, Age, Sex, Rural, Urban, Race, Caste, Tribe, Religion, Linguistic, Urban Migration, Education Characteristics. 

14. Fauna and Floral Geography: Wild Animals, Animals, Birds, Reptiles, Mammals, Trees and Plants and others. 

15. Environmental Geography: Sustainable Development, Globalization, Temperature, Humidity, Cloudiness, Winds, Special Weather Phenomena, Natural Hazards — Earth Quakes, Land Slides, Floods, Cyclones, Cloud Burst, Disaster Management, Impact Assessment, Environmental Pollution, Pollution Management. 

1 comment:

  1. hello sir. good morning.. thanks a lot for info provided here. hope many useful content will be added in coming days
