
Q) Discuss about the administrative rule under Satavahanas?
Satavahanas are one of the powerful dynasties in ancient India. They were vassals of the Mauryas. After the Mauryas, They started consolidating their power in South India. They are the first rulers to consolidate the Andhras/Telugu Speaking people in India. More than 30 Kings ruled nearly 400 years. Founder of this Dynasty is Srimukha. Prominent kings are Hala, Gautamiputra Satakarni and Yagnasri Satakarni.

Administrative Structure:-

* Entire Kingdom of the satavahanas comes under a king, who is called as Maharaja. He is assisted by body of advisors, who are called as "Rajamukhya". Kings are not despotic but benevolent rulers.

Yajnasri Satakarni, Contemporary of Acharya Nagarjuna
* At Central level, there are several key people such as Secretary implementing orders of the king is called "Akshapatala"; Chief Treasury Officer, "Heranika"; Custodian of Godowns, "Mahabandagarika" and many other.

* Entire kingdom is divided into "Aharas", which is headed by "Amatyas".

* City level administration was taken care by an autonomous body called "Nigama Sabha".

* Village is headed by "Gulmika". "Aryaka" deals with local disputes and "Nibandhakarana" deals with revenue records at village level.

* Rajju-Gahaka was the surveyor and settlement officer. 

Army:- Megasthanese's Indica says that Andhras have more than 30 forts, 1 lakh Infantry, 8,000 cavalry and 1,000 elephantry.

Revenue:- The revenue collected was at the rate of 1/6th of produce and it is called "Bhoga". Besides this, taxes called "Karukara" were collected from Artisans.

Judiciary:- Instead of Centralised Legal jurisprudence of Mauryas, Sathavahanas followed decentralised legal system, where local traditions, customs and laws were given priority at village level.

In this way, Sathavahanas tried to held the Kingdom for nearly 400 years. Their ruling was benevolent despotism. Instead of Maurya's centralisation, they emphasised the decentralisation, which finally culminated into development of Powerful Vassals. For examples, Ikshwakus, who succeeded the Sathavanas.

Q) Discuss about the Political importance of the Satavahanas?

Sathavahanas ruled the southern india in 2BCE-2AD. After the fall of Mauryas, Sathavahanas consolidated the Andhra, Telangana and surrounding regions and protected it from Saka in Saurashtra, Kanvas in Pataliputra and Chedis in Odisha.

Sathavanas are originally Vassals of Mauryas. Srimukha is the founder of the sathavanas. He defeated "Mahrathi Tranarayika" and arranged a marriage of his son with Maharathis' daughter, Naganika.

Satakarni-1 consolidated his kingdom by defeating all neighbouring kingdoms. He established his suzerainty over entire south india, except in the kingdoms of chera, chola and pandya. He defeated Pushyamitra Sunga and Kharavela of chedi dynasty and adopted the title of Dakshinapathapathi. He performed 2 ashwameda yagas and 1 rajasuya yaga. To commemorate his victory over sungas, he issued Ujjain type of coins.

After his death, His queen ruled over the kingdom on behalf of her minor sons. Queen Naganika laid Naneghat inscription to commemorate victories of her husband.

Satakarni-II was one of the important ruler of this dynasty. He defeated the last ruler of Kanva Dynasty, SUSHARMA and ended the kanva dynasty. He was the only andhra king to reach that far at those times. To commemorate that event, He got the emblem of Pataliputra inscribed on his coins.

Gautamputra Satakarni was the warrior and defeated almost all neighbouring kingdoms and even defeated Saka Kshatraps, Nahapanudu. To commemorate this occasion, SALIVAHANA era was started at 78A.D.

Yagnasri Satakarni was one of the important rulers at the times of deterioration of kingdom. After his reign, sathavahana kings started to loose their control over the administration.

Nearly for 400 years, Sathavahanas ruled large tracts of south india and protected it from the different attacks. Under their rule, people of their kingdom developed their culture multifariously. Art&Culture, Paintings, architecture, Music and many other flourished during their kingdom. Peaceful conditions and Borach in western region and Mysoli in the eastern region and many other ports gave prosperous trade and commerce to their kingdom. 

Q) Discuss about the social conditions of Sathavahanas?

Social conditions during the reign of sathavahanas are known from limited sources such Gunadya's Brihatkatha, Hala's Gathasaptasathi, Queen Naganika's Naneghat inscription, Queen balashri's inscription of Nasik.

Caste:- During reign of Sathavahanas, Caste is not yet developed fully. But, there are incidence of Chaturvarna System. There is no rigidity in the occupation. According to Amaravati Inscription, People in a family follows different occupations.

Women:- Women enjoyed the higher status in the society. Sathavahanas followed matriarchal system. Several kings of sathavahanas mentioned their mother's name infront of their names. Ex:- Gautamiputra, e.t.c., After death of Satakarni-I, Queen naganika ruled the kingdom on behalf of her minor sons. Even rich and normal people also gave the grants to temples.

Dressing Style:- Sathavahana people are fashion conscious. According Hala's Gathasaptasathi, They followed different dressing styles, Hair styles. Women wore Jewellery, beautiful ear rings, nose rings, e.t.c.,

Religion:- People of sathavahanas lived in harmony while following different religions. Even though Gautami putra satakarni called himself Eka-Barmhana(Unique Bramhana), He patronised buddhism. In the reign of Yajnasri Sathakarni, Buddhism flourished in Nagarjuna konda under the aegis of Acharya Nagarjuna.

Class:- Hala's Gatha saptasati mentions the class differences. It says that rich and affluent were staying in the multi-storeyed buildings where as poor lives in huts.

Trade was flourishing with foreigners like greeks from Broach, Mysoli and other ports. Eventhough sathavahanas lived in rich and affluent living conditions, some are indulging intoxicants, e.t.c.,

Despite the Sathavahanas gave prime importance to women, There were occasions of Sati in those times. STRABO, Greek writer astonished to witness the self-immolation of widow at the funeral of her husband.

In this way, Sathavahanas social conditions are having mixture of both positive and negative elements of society. Among all sources, Hala's Gathasaptasati give more information regarding the social conditions of those people.

Q) Discuss the cultural contributions of the Satavahanas?

During the rule of satavahanas, Culture took centre stage, which is conspicuous in the form of the Constructions, Paintings, Religion, Literatures, Entertainment activities and others. 


Emblem of State Govt of A.P, Purnaghatam, an overflowing vase
Satavahanas were pioneers in the constructions of the Stupas, Viharas and Chaityas. Kanheri and Nasik Chaityas, Nagarjunakonda viharas, Amaravati, Bhattiprolu and jaggayapeta Stupas, which are Dhatu-Garbhita are constructed during the period of Satavahanas. 

Amaravati Stupa is one of the architectural wonders of that time. It is built with marble, upon which carvings are engraved, which not only shows life events of buddha but also depicts the feelings, emotions and subtle expressions in the scene. Amaravati Stupa has 50 meter diameter, 30 meters height and 132 meters of circumference. 


8th, 9th and 12th caves of the Ajanta belongs to the sathavahana period. Due to their patronage, Frescos and Mural Paintings are developed on the walls and ceilings of the ajanta. 


Satavahanas patronised all religions. They showed the religious harmony. For example, Gautami Putra Satakarni, who is called as the “Eka Bramhana”, also patronised buddhism by giving them gifts and grants. 

Hinduism:- Hala, 17th king of satavahana, started Gathasaptasathi with salutations to Lord Shiva and ended with salutations to Goddess Parvathi. It shows the height of their patronage to Hinduism. 


Construction of 1,500 room vihara at nagarjunakonda by Yagna Sri Satakarni depicts the magnanimity of satavahanas towards the Buddhism. 

Jainism:- During the period of satavahanas, Jainism flourished in the Anantapur District. Chief proponent of that time was kondakunda Chari. 


Satavahanas Patronised Paisachic Prakrit, which is visible in Hala’s Gathasaptasathi. Other important Prakrit works are Gunadya’s Bruhatkatha, Kuthuhala’s Leelavathi Parinayam, which depicts the marriage scene of Hala and Leelavathi on Krishna River. 

Satavahanas’s patronage towards the Sanskrit is visible during the reign of Kuntala Satakarni. He gave unprecedented patronage to Sanskrit. Due to his insistence, Sarva Verma wrote Katantra Vyakaranam, A grammar book on Sanskrit. 

In this way, Satavahana Period gave immense contribution in the Growth of the culture of Andhra Desha. Hala’s Gathasaptasathi mentioned about the different entertainments of that time like Ballot Songs, Group Dances and dressing styles, e.t.c.,