Japanese Encephalitis

Q) What is Encephalitis and discuss its causes and preventive measures taken by Govt of India specifically?

Encephalitis is the severe Inflammation of the brain. Primary cause of the encephalitis is due to the infection from Japanese Encephalitis Virus. 

There are other vectors such as bacteria, fungus, parasites, chemicals, toxins and others that causes the inflammation of the brain as the secondary symptom. But, Japanese Encephalitis(JE) virus shows the inflammation of brain as its primary symptom. 


  • Initial Symptoms:-
    Vomiting, Nausea, Diarrhoea, Head ache, e.t.c.,
  • Main Symptoms:-
    Severe Headache, Stiffness, Confusion, Seizures, Loss of control of body parts, Loss of Vision, coma and finally death.

Irreparable damage to braincells, and permanent behavioural and neurological problems such as paralysis, recurrent seizures or inability to speak. 


  1. In India, JE virus is spreaded by Culex Vishnui. JE virus is mainly observed in migratory birds and Pigs. 
  2. Contaminated food, water, unprotected sex and lack of hygienity and other causes. 
  3. Viruses, which attacks the brain cells are resisted by immune system. That skirmish causes the inflammation

Preventive Measures:-

At Individual Level:-

  • Maintenance of proper hygiene. 
  • Having safe Food and water.
  • Prevention of Mosquito bite and breeding mosquito population in stagnant water.
  • Limiting population of pigs. 
  • Having the JENVAC developed by Bharat Biotech and ICMR.

Steps taken by Govt of India:-

  • Targeting the 60 priority districts in 5 states through National Programme for prevention of Japanese Encephalitis/Acute Encephalitis Syndrome. 
  • Spreading the awareness and educating masses about the preventive measures such as prevention of breeding mosquito population, limiting the pig population in surrounding areas, e.t.c,
  • Distribution of vaccination. 
  • Capacity building such as emergency hospitals, staff and vaccinations in case of epidemic. 

Nearly, 10,000 cases are reported per annum in india. Generally, this cycles starts in month of june and reaches the peak in July-august and declines in september-october. During the treatment, generally, antiviral drugs such as acyclovir, azidothymidine and other related medicines are given. Inorder to reduce the pain of brain inflammation, Corticosteroids are given to ease the pain.